Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Becoming a local tourist, vol. 1: History

Whether or not you find yourself with bored youngsters or need an interesting place to bring a date (on a budget), consider researching your local historical associations. The maintenance of age-old properties often offers you the chance to learn more about your city or town.

The Milwaukee County Historical Society operates several properties, including a farm, that brings the past back to life for those who visit. Their main center also offers periodic exhibits to the public (not currently due to renovations that will end in August 2010). Surrounding counties, like Washington, Waukesha, and Racine counties, also have museums and other properties of note operating most if not all year, giving you the opportunity to expand knowledge of the area.

Milwaukee is also home to the Northpoint Lighthouse, a fixture in the city since the 1870's after it replaced the original lighthouse built two decades before.

My mother was born and raised in Mower County, Minnesota. Though not nearly as populated as the city she currently lives in, the area is still rich with history, including a GAR (Grand Army of the Republic) Hall built in 1891 for use by the fraternal order made up of sixteen Civil War veterans and the Women's Relief Corps. This is one of only two still in existence in Minnesota. Spring Valley, in neighboring Fillmore County is home to the Wilder homestead, the family of Laura Ingalls Wilder's husband, Almanzo.

From somewhere else? Consider Googling your county or parish's history and see if they have a historical society and what they might have to offer.

Admissions tend to be on the cheaper end of the scale, less than the cost of a movie, if not being free altogether.


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